




1990年 本科-原武汉测绘科技大学城市规划本科专业

Bachelor of Engineering - Urban planning, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan

1993年 硕士-荷兰地理信息与地球科学学院城市规划与管理

Master of Science - Urban planning and management, ITC, the Netherlands

2003年 博士-荷兰乌特勒支大学人文地理学

PhD - Human geography, Utrecht University/ITC, the Netherlands



Urban Planning; Urban Transportation Planning; Urban Geographic Information System (UGIS); Urban Spatial Analysis




2016.5- 深圳大学建筑与城市规划学院教授、智慧城市研究院常务副院长

Professor, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University

Executive director, Research Institute for Smart Cities (RISC), Shenzhen University

2013.4- 2016.5 武汉大学城市设计学院教授、博士生导师、副院长

Professor, PhD supervisor, Associate Dean, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University

2010.1- 2013.4.7 武汉大学城市设计学院教授、博士生导师、院长助理

Professor, PhD supervisor , Assistant Dean, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University.

2005.12—2009.12 武汉大学城市设计学院教授、院长助理

Professor, Assistant Dean, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University.


Associate Professor, School of Urban Studies, Wuhan University.


Lecturer, former School of Urban Studies, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping


Teaching assistant, former ECURSPAM, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping




论著、教材、编著 Books

1. 黄正东,刘学军(2014)《大城市公共交通空间网络规划》,科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-036919-2.

Huang, Z., Liu, X. (2014) Spatial Transit Network Planning for Large Cities. Science Press, Beijing, China.

2. 周俊,张明,黄正东(2012)《转型中的中国城市化:挑战与机遇—第六届国际中国规划年会论文集》,武汉大学出版社,ISBN 978-7-307-10330-6

Zhou, J., Zhang, M., Huang, Z., ed. (2012) China’s Urbanization in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities – Proceedings of the 6th International Association for China Planning Conference. Wuhan University Press.

3. 黄正东,于卓,黄经南(2010)《城市地理信息系统》,武汉大学出版社。ISBN:9787307079700

Huang, Z, Yu, Z, Huang, J. (2010) Urban Geographic Information System, Wuhan University Press.

期刊论文/章节论文 Journal Paper/ Book Chapter

1. Huang, Z., M. Zhang, X. Liu (2017) Estimating light-rail transit peak-hour boarding based on accessibility at station and route levels in Wuhan, China. Transportation Planning and Technology. 40(5): 624-639. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03081060.2017.1314497. (SCI)

2. Wei, H., Z. Huang and M. Lin (2017) A Decision Support System for Plant Optimization in Urban Areas with Diversified Solar Radiation. Sustainability 9(2): 215. (SCI)

3. 魏合义,黄正东,杨和平(2016)基于数字技术视角的景观规划和景观设计比较研究,武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版),29(6):1054~1059 (CSSCI)

4. Heyi Wei & Zhengdong Huang (2015) From Experience-Oriented to Quantity-Based: A Method for Landscape Plant Selection and Configuration in Urban Built-Up Areas, Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 34:8, 698-719, DOI: 10.1080/10549811.2015.1033555. (SCI/EI)

5. 魏合义、黄正东、杨和平(2015)基于GIS光照因子分析的园林植物选择和配置-以浙江省桐乡市某小区为例。风景园林,06:60-66,DOI: 10.14085/j.fjyl.2015.06.0060.07.

Wei Heyi, Z. Huang, H. Yang (2015) Landscape plant selection and configuration based on light factor analysis using GIS - A case study of a residential district in Tongxiang city, Zhejiang Province, China. Landscape Architecture, 06: 60-66.

6. Huang, L., Z. Huang, N. Hamza (2014) Energy-efficient retrofitting and energy consumption in a historic city centre – an example from Lhasa, disP - The Planning Review, 50:3, 55-65. DOI:10.1080/02513625.2014.979043 (SSCI)

7. Huang, Z. and X. Liu (2014) A Hierarchical Approach to Optimizing Bus Stop Distribution in Large and Fast Developing Cities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3(2): 554-564. (SCIE)

8. 魏合义,黄正东(2014)从ASLA年会议题看美国LA研究的发展趋势。中国园林(03): 91-95.

Wei, H., Z. Huang (2014) A Discussion on the Landscape Architecture Research Trends in the USA Based on the Analysis of the ASLA Annual Meeting Topics. Chinese Landscape Architecture. 03: 91-95.

9. 魏合义,黄正东(2014)地理设计视角下的景观规划设计理论、需求及技术实现。风景园林(04):124-126.

Wei, H., Z. Huang (2014) Theory, requirements and technology realization for landscape planning and design under the perspective of geodesign. Landscape Architecture, 04: 124-126.

10. Huang, Z. (2014) A hierarchical process for optimizing bus stop distribution. Urban, Planning and Transport Research 2(1):162-172.

11. 黄正东(2011)武汉市轻轨沿线土地利用结构及交通接驳分析,城乡规划(专辑书), 61-68。

Landuse structure and transferability of Wuhan Light Rail. In Urban and Rural Planning. China Architecture and Building Press. (book chapter) (In Chinese)

12. Zhou, Y., Thill, J.-C., Huang, Z. (2011). Design of a user-centric decision support tool for fixed-route bus travel planning. Applied Geography 31(3): 1173-1184. (SCI: DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.03.005)

周玉红,Thill,黄正东(2011)设计面向用户的公交出行决策支持工具,应用地理,: 1173-1184. (SSCI)

13. Huang, Z.D., Liu, X., Huang, C., Shen, J. (2010) A GIS-based framework for bus network optimization using genetic algorithm. Annals of GIS, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp185 - 194 (ISSN 1947-5683) 2010年09月

黄正东,刘学军,黄崇超,沈建武(2010)基于GIS系统和遗传算法进行公交线路优化,Annals of GIS, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp185 – 194

14. 黄正东,丁寅,张莹(2009)基于GIS可达性模型的公交出行预测。公路交通科技, 26(S1), pp.137-141.(第五届智能交通年会优秀论文)

Huang, Z., Ding, Y., Zhang, Y. (2009) Predicting Bus Trip Generation with GIS-based Accessibility Model. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 26(S1), pp.137-141. (In Chinese)

15. 李丹,黄正东(2008)顾及换乘距离的城市公交系统出行路径优化研究。交通运输工程与信息学报,Vol 6(4): 110-117。

Li, D. Huang. Z. (2008) Optimizing Urban Transit Travel Routes with Special Consideration of Transfer Distance. Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information. Vol 6(4): 110-117. (In Chinese)

16. 黄正东,李丹,周玉红(2008)基于有向层次模型的城市常规公交出行路径优化。武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol 33(4):42-46。(EI检索:082411305779)

Huang, Z., Li, D., Zhou, Y. (2008) Urban Bus Trip Optimization Based on Transit Data Model at Directional Level. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan Univeristy, Vol 33(4):42-46. (EI) (In Chinese)

17. 黄正东,于卓,汪斌(2007)一种面向对象的多层次公交数据模型。武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol 32(4): 22-25。(EI: 072310634414检索)

Huang, Z., Yu, Z & Wang, B. (2007) A Multi-tier Data Model For Urban Public Transportation. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan Univeristy, Vol 32(4): 22-25. (EI:072310634414) (In Chinese)

18. Huang, Z. D. H. Ottens, I. Masser (2007) A doubly weighted approach to urban data disaggregation in GIS – A case study of Wuhan, China. Transactions in GIS, Vol 11(2): 197–211.

黄正东,Ottens,Masser (2007)基于GIS进行城市数据分解的一种双约束方法---中国武汉的实例研究. Transactions in GIS, Vol 11(2): 197–211.


技术报告 Technical Report

1. 大城市多模式公共交通网络空间配置与优化技术,中国科技成果,2012.03, 28:30.

Spatial distribution and optimization of multimodal transit network in large cities. China Science and Technology Achievements. 2012.03, 28:30.



1. 小城市(镇)组群智慧规划建设和综合管理技术与示范,国家科技支撑计划课题,项目编号2015BAJ05B02,总经费480万元,2015.01-2017.12(项目组成员)

Technologies for smart planning and integrated management in small cities. National Key Technology Support Program. 2015.01-2017.12 (Member)

2. 村镇区域综合防灾减灾信息系统研究及示范,国家科技支撑计划课题,项目编号2014BAL05B07,总经费628,2014.01-2017.12(项目组成员)

Research on and demonstration of integrated disaster prevention and mitigation information system in rural areas. National Key Technology Support Program. 2014.01-2017.12 (Member)

3. 大城市公交站点布局优化与层级评价,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号41271396,经费75万,2013.01-2016.12(项目负责人)

Evaluation and hierarchical optimization of urban transit stops. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Program. Nr. 41271396, RMB 750,000. 2013.01-2016.12(PI)

4. 基于海量手机收据的群体活动与城市空间结构适应度分析及选址优化,国家自然科学基金重点项目,项目编号41231171/D0107,2013-2017,经费300万(项目组成员)

Using mobile phone tracking data to analyze interactions between group activity patterns and urban spatial structures and to selection optimization. Key program of National Natural Science Foundation of China. 41231171/D0107,2013-2017 (member)

5. Global SECURE – Theme 8 (Energy reduction in road transport) and Theme 10 (Sustainable Retrofitting),英国工程与物理科学研究基金(EPSRC),中英合作项目,2012-2013.

GLOBAL Sustainable Energy through China-UK Research Engagement (SECURE)

6. 大城市多模式公共交通网络空间配置与优化技术。国家高技术研究发展计划(国家科技部863 计划)项目,项目编号:2007AA11Z207,2007.12 -2009.12,经费:77 万元(项目负责人)

Spatial optimization of multi-modal transit network in large cities. National High-tech Research Development Program (863), Ministry of Science and Technology. Nr. 2007AA11Z207, 2007-2009. (PI)

7. Development Scenarios for Wuhan: Indicators of Urban-rural Accessibility. World Bank China Office, 2010-2011. Total 100,000 US$ (Research member)

基于城乡可达性指标的武汉市发展情景分析,世行中国办项目, 2010-2011,总经费10万美元 (技术骨干)

8. 基于多层次空间数据表达的公交出行动态优化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,编号70671076,经费19万, 2006.12-2009.12 (负责人)

Dynamic optimization of transit trips based on multi-level spatial data representation. National Natural Science Foundation (NSF), Nr. 70671076. 2006-2009. (PI)



1. 武汉临空经济区综合交通实施方案,湖北省发改委,2014.12-2015.1,14.4万(负责人)

2. 武汉市“十三五”交通发展环境和对策研究,武汉市“十三五”规划前期研究重大课题,武汉市发改委,2014.8-11,12万(负责人)

Transportation condition and strategies for the Thirteenth Five Year Plan of Wuhan. Wuhan Development and Reform Committee, 2014 (PI)

3. 随州市城市规划区公共交通规划,随州市交通运输局,2012.10-2014.3,38万(负责人)

Urban public transport planning for Suizhou, Hubei Province. 2012.10-2013.8,RMB 380,000. (PI)

4. 基于土地利用布局的城市交通承载模拟预测技术研究,武汉市国土资源和规划信息中心,201308-201408. 10万(负责人)

Simulation and forecast of urban transport capacity based on land use distribution. Information Center of Land Resources and Urban Planning of Wuhan, 201308-201408. RMB 100,000(PI)


学术兼职 Academic




期刊审稿人 Journal referee

Landscape and Urban Planning (2015)

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (2012)

Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica (AGCS) 《测绘学报》

Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》

Journal of Geo-Information Science 《地球信息科学学报》




《国际设计工作坊(International Design Studio)》,武汉大学研究生全英文课程(2012-2014)










区域发展与交通规划(博士生)Regional development and transportation planning (PhD)

城市交通规划及前沿动态(硕士生)Frontiers in transportation planning (MSc)

规划支持系统(硕士生)Planning support system (MSc)

地理信息科学(硕士生)Geographical information science (MSc)

科学研究方法(硕士生)Research methodology (MSc)

城市道路与交通(本科生)Urban road and transportation (MSc)

城市空间分析技术(本科生)Urban spatial analysis (Undergraduate)

城市地理信息系统(本科生)Urban GIS (Undergraduate)


职称 兼职教授 邮箱 zhengdong@sud.whu.edu.cn
部门 城市规划系