近日,最新一届的德国iF设计奖于2020年1月21日至23日在汉堡选出。来自武汉大学2016级产品设计专业学生王佳希在此次大赛中获得专业概念奖(Professional Concept),获奖作品为ZIPREMINDER。该设计灵感来自于日常物品遗失问题,针对人不同的活动状态,提供了基于机械结构设计的双肩背包防盗解决方案。
据悉,iF设计奖创立于1953年, 该奖是由德国历史最悠久的工业设计机构--汉诺威工业设计论坛(iF Industrie Forum Design)每年定期举办。作为世界上最重要的设计奖项之一,iF设计奖每年表彰在各个设计类别中的成就:包含产品设计、包装设计、传达设计、服务设计、建筑和室内建筑设计以及专业概念等。所有获奖作品将在iF世界设计指南中展示、同时发布于iF设计应用程序,并在柏林iF设计展览中展出。
ZIPREMINDER aims to prevent losses of personal belongings due to people's forgetting of zipping their bags in various circumstances.
Anti-theft zipper tags on the market: electrical, battery renewing is required; being passive, only instant alarming when two pieces seperated by force. However when zipper keeps open, their alarming system couldn't work.
ZIPPREMINDER provides a solution to problems above by pure mechanical structures as well as being initiative vocal, making sure people aware of opening backpacks anytime without outer trigger.