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【讲座预告】The Rise of the Business Improvement District

发布人:admin    日期: 2017-05-31 10:54    阅读




Professor Uwe S.Brandes

Mr. Brandes served in the public sector in Washington, D.C. from 2000 to 2007 where he was Director of Capital Projects for the Anacostia Waterfront Corporation and Associate Director, District of Columbia Office of Planning. During this period he was the managing director of the multi-­‐agency Anacostia Waterfront Initiative which catalyzed over $3 billion of public and private investment in historically neglected neighborhoods. Prior to public service, he practiced architecture and urban design in New York City, where he drafted urban design and development plans for cities across the United States and internationally.

布兰德斯先生于 2000 年至 2007 年在华盛顿特区的公共部门任职,担任阿纳卡斯蒂亚海滨公司资本项目总监及哥伦比亚特区规划办公室副主任,在此期间,他是多机构组成的阿纳卡斯蒂亚海滨倡议计划的常务董事,该倡议催化了在长期被忽略的街区超过 30 亿美元的公共和私人投资。在加入公共部门前,他在纽约市从事建筑和城市设计工作,为美国和国际诸多城市起草了城市设计和发展计划。

Mr. Brandes is a Fulbright Scholar and has an A.B. in engineering science from Dartmouth College and Master of Architecture from Harvard University. He lectures internationally on sustainable development, urban design and public space topics.

布兰德斯先生是富布赖特学者,拥有达特茅斯学院工程学学士学位及哈佛大学建筑学硕士学位。他是《2050 年的城市:创造变革的蓝图和下一步-新经济中的房地产》一书的作者和执行编辑, 他还著有关于气候变化和城市发展关系的研究报告,包括《沿海地区的风险与韧性》和《建筑物的能效融资》。他在国际上多次就可持续性发展、城市设计与公共空间等议题发表演讲。

The plans and projects Mr. Brandes has worked on have received numerous national awards from professional organizations. He has been quoted by the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Dwell and Forbes magazines. He serves on the board of the ULI Global Center for Sustainability, the Landscape Architecture Foundation and EcoDistricts Institute. He has testified before the U.S. Congress and served as advisor to the Republic of Korea, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and many public, private and non-profit organizations actively engaged in sustainable urbanization.
