




武汉大学 Wuhan University: 理学博士(地图学与地理信息系统) 2014 Ph.D.(Cartography and Geographic Information System), Wuhan

武汉大学 Wuhan University: 工学硕士(城市规划与设计) 2004 M.Eng. (Urban Planning & Design),Wuhan

荷兰地理信息科学与地球观测学院 ITC: 理学硕士(城市规划与管理) 2003 M.S.(Urban Planning and Management), ITC, Netherlands

武汉测绘科技大学 WTUSM:工学学士(城市规划) 1998 B.Eng.(Urban Planning), Wuhan



Urban Planning & Design; Urban Planning Quantitative Analysis; Planning Support Methods and Planning Support System


1. 武汉测绘科技大学城市建设学院、武汉大学城市建设学院 School of Urban Studies, WTUSM \ School of Urban Studies, Wuhan University


2. 武汉大学城市设计学院规划系 School of Urban Design, Wuhan University


3. 美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校地理与地球科学系访问学者 Department of Geography and Earth Sciences,University of North Carolina at Charlotte(2016.12-2017.12)


1. Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) fellowship, 2003, Government of the Netherlands




1. 窦凯丽,陈畅. 基于Netlogo建模的城市防灾应急疏散模拟研究—以某大城市校园人群疏散为例. 规划60年:成就与挑战—2016中国城市规划年会论文集,沈阳,2016.9.24-9.26

2. 窦凯丽,詹庆明,张明. 城乡规划专业定量分析方法课程教学方法研究.新常态新规划新教育—2016中国高等学校城乡规划教育年会论文集,p546-551,西安,2016.9.22-9.24

3. 詹庆明, 李晶, 窦凯丽, 岳亚飞, 章莉, 唐丽玄. 武汉都市发展区空气质量时空分布特征研究,城乡规划,2016(07):129-135.

4.邹芳、窦凯丽,从对比中看中国大城市防灾避难场所规划的重点,中外建筑, 2013(9):61-62

5. Kaili, Dou; Qingming, Zhan; Shiguo, Li. GIS-based responsibility area subdivision for metropolitan emergency shelters - Case study of Wuchang district, Wuhan city, In: 6th International Association for China Planning Conference( IACP 2012), June 17-19, Wuhan, China, 2012. (EI检索: 20125015791373)

6. Dou, K., Zhan, Q., Accessibility analysis of urban emergency shelters: comparing gravity model and space syntax In: International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE 2011) ,2011,(EI检索号:20113614293208)

7. Dou, K., Zhan, Q., Li, S., Selection of residential land based on integration of MCDA and Gravity Model, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS2009, IEEE) (ISBN 978-1-4244-4639-1). Wuhan/Beijing, China, September 20-22, 2009,(EI检索号:20100212629757)

8.窦凯丽, 詹庆明. GIS 和遥感在城市环境质量模糊评价中应用的关键问题探讨.城市规划中的空间地理信息与决策支持(2006城市规划——空间信息与决策支持”国际学术研讨会论文集).詹庆明,黄正东,肖映辉编,2009,武汉大学出版社: 354-363.

9. 窦凯丽,杜宁睿. GIS在城市环境质量模糊综合评价中的应用研究。武汉大学学报工学版36(3B):69-73.


1.Research on the scope definition of China urabn agglomeration fringe areas,growth mechanism and governance impact(No:42271219).

国家自然科学基金面上项目,42271219,中国都市圈边缘区的范围界定、增长机制与治理响应研究,2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 56万元, 在研, 参与

2.Research on spatial planning methods based on spatiotemporal big data for enhancing governance capabilities(No:5207838).

国家自然科学基金面上项目, 52078389,面向治理能力提升的基于时空大数据的空间规划方法研究, 2021-01-01 至 2024-12-31, 58万元, 在研, 参与

3.Research on the planning method for coping smog based on ventilation mechanism in a multi-source spatiotemporal big data environment(No:51878515).

国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51878515, 多源时空大数据环境下基于通风机理的雾霾应对规划方法研究, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 60万元, 已结题, 参与

4. Research on planning support method for urban disaster emergency shelters. Natural Science Foundation of China(No.: 51108352), ¥250,000, 2012-2014 (Project Leader)

国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 51108352 ,基于GIS的大城市应急避难场所规划支持方法研究, 2012.1-2014.12,25万元, 已结题,主持

5. Research and demonstration of planning support system on comprehensive disaster prevention and reduction. Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program of China (No.: 2014BAL05B07), ¥6,280,000,2014-2017 (Participant).

“十二五”国家科技支撑计划,2014BAL05B07,村镇区域综合防灾减灾信息系统研究及示范, 2014.1-2017.12 ,628万元, 已结题,参与

6. Research on methods of multi-scale land-use suitability and three-zones functioning analysis based on 3S technology. Natural Science Foundation ofChina(No.: 51278384), 2013-2016 (Participant).

国家自然科学基金面上项目,51278384,3S支持的多尺度城市用地评定与三区划定方法及应用研究,2013.1- 2016.12, 80万元,已结题,参与

7. Research on the spatmatchial distribution of air pollution and ventilation strategy in Wuhan city, 2015.12-2016.8(Participant).


8. Preliminary study of Shenzhen digital planning projects, Shenzhen Planning Bureau, ¥450,000.00, 2007.12- 2008.10(Participant)

深圳市数字规划工程前期研究服务项目, 深圳市规划局,45万元, 2007.12-2008.10,参与

9. Dynamic Optimization of Bus Travel based on Multi-level Expression of Spatial Data, National Natural Science Foundation of China , ¥190,000.00, 2007(Participant)

基于多层次空间数据表达的公交出行动态优化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2007.1- 2009.12,参与

10. Bilingual Education Reform of Urban Geographic Information System ,2005, Wuhan University(Participant)

《城市信息系统》双语教学改革研究, 2005, 武汉大学,参与


1. Research on the capacity of population,building and transport of Wuhan City, 2012-2013(Participant).

武汉市主城区人口、建筑、交通容量研究,2012.8-2013.8, 武汉市规划局,参与

2. 2010 Rural development planning of Huangpi District, Wuhan, Hubei Province,2010

黄陂区2010年农村家园建设创建村规划编制,2010.4-7 ,黄陂区规划勘测设计院,参与

3. Rural development planning of Huangpi District, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 2008


4. Regulatory Plan of Youkou, Youkou Town, Nanchang Hi-tec Devolopment Zone, JIangxi Province, 2005

南昌高新技术产业开发区尤口镇控制性规划编制,2005.5-9 ,南昌高新区管委会,参与

5. Regulatory Plan of Maqiu, Maqiu Town, Nanchang Hi-tec Devolopment Zone, JIangxi Province, 2005


6. Master Plan of Zhenning, Zhenning County,Guizhou Province, 2002

贵州省镇宁苗族布依组自治县总体规划, 2002.7—2003.7,镇宁自治县建委,参与

7. Master Plan of Linhai, Linhai County ,Liaoning Province , 1999

辽宁省凌海县县域总体规划,1999.7-12 ,锦州市建委,参与



Urban Planning & Design; Urban Planning Quantitative Analysis; Planning Support Methods and Planning Support System


Courses Taught讲授的课程

System Engineering for Urban Planning 城市规划系统工程学 (本科,2006级—2019级,主讲)·

Methodology of Qualitative and Quantitative analysis 定性与定量分析方法(本科,2000级—2005级,主讲)

Statistical Analysis for Urban Planning 规划统计分析(本科,2010级—2020级,主讲)

职称 讲师 邮箱 kailid@sud.whu.edu.cn
部门 城市规划系