




2015 - 2020 美国犹他大学(University of Utah)                 地理学          博士

2013 - 2015 美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 (University of Texas at Dallas)地理空间信息科学专业 硕士

2009 - 2013 武汉大学测绘学院                             测绘工程专业      学士








2022  至今 武汉大学,城市设计学院,特聘副研究员

2020 - 2022 美国犹他大学,地理系,博士后研究员

2015 - 2019 美国犹他大学,地理系,研究/教学助理


美国地理学家协会区域发展与规划专委会最佳论文 (The Ashok K. Dutt Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Regional Development and Planning Specialty Group, AAG) (2018)



Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y.*, & Li, H. (2024). Institutions, urban space, and residential markets in globalizing Shanghai: A comparative study of housing sale and rental prices. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-24.

Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y.*, Xiao, W., & Wu, X. (2023). Preferences and Barriers of Vulnerable Urban Populations in Affordable Housing in Urban China. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 149(4), 05023030.

Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y.*, Xiao, W., Garcia, I., & Wen, M. (2023). Urban form, air pollution, and walking behavior: A study of Salt Lake County, Utah

Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., Liu, M., & García, I. (2023). Green infrastructure inequality in the context of COVID-19: Taking parks and trails as examples. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 128027.

Zhang, D., Wu, Y.*, & Liu, M. (2023). Characterizing Sprawl Development in Urban China: A Perspective from Urban Amenity. Land, 12(6), 1180.

Wang, J., Wu, Y.*, Hu, Z., & Zhang, J. (2023). Remote Sensing of Watershed: Towards a New Research Paradigm. Remote Sensing, 15(10), 2569.

Wu, Y., & Wei, Y. D. (2023). Regional Drinking Water Supply in Pakistan: Regional Disparity, Inequality, and Development Pattern. The Professional Geographer, 1-17.

Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., & Liu, M. (2023). Urban Form and Spatiotemporal Vulnerability of Local Communities to COVID-19. Geographical Review, 1-20.

Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., Li, H., & Liu, M. (2022). Amenity, firm agglomeration, and local creativity of producer services in Shanghai. Cities, 120, 103421.

Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y.*, Liao, F. H., & Zhang, L. (2020). Regional inequality, spatial polarization and place mobility in provincial China: A case study of Jiangsu province. Applied Geography, 124, 102296.

Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., & Li, H. (2020). Firm suburbanization in the context of urban sprawl: Neighborhood effect and sectoral difference. The Professional Geographer, 72(4), 598-617.

Wu, Y., Wei, Y. D., & Li, H. (2020). Analyzing spatial heterogeneity of housing prices using large datasets. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 13, 223-256.

许小兰,伍杨屹*,陶翊婷(2024). 城市地理信息系统实践教学模式探索, 测绘通报


Wei, Y. D., Xiao, W., & Wu, Y. (2024). Centring or suburbanization? Changing locations of producer services in Shanghai. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X241245322.Liu, M., Wei, Y. D., & Wu, Y. (2023). Urban Structure, Housing Prices and the Double Role of Amenity: A Study of Nanjing, China. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 1-27.

Xiong, N., Wei, Y. D., & Wu, Y. (2023). Tech firm births and agglomeration economies:(un) related variety, specialization, and spatial externalities. Cities, 138, 104349.

Qin, X., Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y., & Huang, X. (2023). Regional development and inequality within city regions: A study of the Yangtze River delta, China. Geographical Review, 113(3), 359-385.

Xiao, W., Wei, Y. D., & Wu, Y. (2022). Neighborhood, built environment and resilience in transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 110, 103428.

Wei, Y. D., Xiao, W., & Wu, Y. (2021). Trip generation, trip chains and polycentric development in metropolitan USA: A Case Study of the Wasatch Front Region, Utah. Applied Geography, 133, 102488.

Li, D., Wei, Y. D., Miao, C., Wu, Y., & Xiao, W. (2019). Innovation, network capabilities, and sustainable development of regional economies in China. Sustainability, 11(17), 4770.

Li, H., Wei, Y. D., & Wu, Y. (2019). Urban amenity, human capital and employment distribution in Shanghai. Habitat International, 91, 102025.

Li, H., Wei, Y. D., Wu, Y., & Tian, G. (2019). Analyzing housing prices in Shanghai with open data: Amenity, accessibility and urban structure. Cities, 91, 165-179.

Li, H., Wei, Y. D., & Wu, Y. (2019). Analyzing the private rental housing market in Shanghai with open data. Land Use Policy, 85, 271-284.


2024 英文SSCI写作与投稿经验分享.(上海大学,特邀报告)

2023 Firm Birth and Creativity of Producer Services in Shanghai: The Role of Urban Amenities and Agglomeration. Academic Writing Workshop for Junior Urban Scholars. (分会场联络人)

2023 Firm Birth and Creativity of Producer Services in Shanghai: The Role of Urban Amenities and Agglomeration.The 10th International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China.

2022 Spatial Analysis of Uneven Metropolitan Development in the Context of Big Data.(伊利诺伊理工大学,特邀报告)

2021 Amenity, firm agglomeration, and local creativity of producer services in Shanghai. The 15th International Association for China Planning (IACP) Conference. Nanjing (online).(分会场主持人)

2020 Firm Suburbanization in the Context of Urban Sprawl: Neighborhood Effect and Sectoral Difference. International Seminar on Urban Form. Salt Lake City.


2023 至今 中国城市科学研究会城市转型与创新研究专委会委员

2020 至今 SSCI期刊Applied Geography,执行编辑 (managing editor)

2019 – 2020 美国地理学家协会,学生代表

SCI期刊 Remote Sensing 特邀客座编辑

国际ESCI期刊Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 特邀客座编辑



职称 副研究员 邮箱 yangyi.wu@whu.edu.cn
部门 城市规划系