




同济大学Tongji Universcity 博士(建筑学)2006 Ph.D. of Architecture, 2001.3-2006.6,Shanghai

武汉理工大学Wuhan University of technology:硕士(建筑学)2000 Master of Architecture, 1998.9-2001.1, Wuhan

武汉工业大学Wuhan University of technology学士(建筑学)1998 Bachelor of Architecture, 1993.9-1998.6, Wuhan


建筑设计 Building Design,

设计心理学 Design thinking

城市设计 Urban Design



First Grade Registered Architect of China ( registration number: 0010076) ,2011


武汉大学(WHU) 城市设计学院 建筑系,副教授(2012-)

wuhan university ,School of Urban Design,department of architecture,Wuhan,

Associate Professor(2012-)

武汉大学(WHU) 城市设计学院 建筑系, (2007-2011) 讲师

wuhan university ,School of Urban Design,department of architecture,Wuhan,

lecturer (2007-2011)

美国 哈佛大学 访问学者 2014-2015

Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, USA (2014-2015)




Books 著作

1. Yan Yuan,Urban spatial research under globalization—a case of Shanghai suburban,China architectute&building press,2008


Publish Papers 发表论文

1. Yan Yuan, zhongHua Jing. Life cycle assessment of building energy in big-data era: theory and framework. Network and information systems for computers. PP.601-605 (2015.1)

2. Yan Yuan, Yunlong Zhang. Research on BIM-based collaboration platform to integrated digital technology for building design, 2015 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications , (2015.8)

3. 袁雁,李鹤,陈雨行面向建筑生命周期能耗评估的建筑信息模型研究框架,《第十一届国际绿色建筑与建筑节能大会论文集》,现代城市研究,2015.03, 北京

4. Yan Yuan, Yuan Jingling. Fan Xiaochun. Integrating BIM and intelligence algorithm for BLC energy consumption evaluation and optimization: principles and framework. Journal of Convergence Information Technology(2013.1)

5. Yan Yuan, Yuan Jingling, Du hongfu, Li Li. An improved multi-objective ant colony algorithm for building life cycle energy consumption optimization. International journal of computer applications in technology, Inter-science Publishers. Vol.43, No.1, pp.60-66,2012(EI index)

6. Yan Yuan, Yuan Jingling. The theory and framework of integration design of building consumption efficiency based on BIM, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier Ltd. Vol 15,pp.5323-5327, 2011(EI index)

7. Yan Yuan,Li Yankui,The development strategy and planning design on industrial park in globalization: A case study of Xiangyang Jiahai Industrial Park,Hubei,China. 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, ICMT 2011, (EI index)

8. Yan Yuan, Yankui Li , Xiaoxi Zhu .CBD construction in sub-regional city: A case study on Changzhou in Yangtze River Delta. Advanced Materials Research, v 250-253, p 2910-2914, 2011 (EI index)

9. Yan Yuan, Yankui Li , Qiaohui Tong.The planning of headquarter economic park aiming at social sustainable development and ecological construction - A Case Study of Jiahai enterprises headquarter park, Changsha, China. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 71-78, 2011 (EI index)

10. 袁雁,李阎魁. 基于生态策略的现代工业园区规划与建筑设计实践,《工业建筑》,2011

11. Yan Yuan, Yuan Jingling, Du hongfu, Li Li. Pareto ant colony Algorithm for building life cycle energy consumption optimization. Communications in Computer and Information Science 98, Springer-verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. P59-65(EI index)

12. Yan Yuan,Li Yankui. A Case Study on City Development Strategy of Underdeveloped Region in Hezhou: Aim at Sustainable Development. Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science, 2010.(EI index)

13. Yan Yuan,Space optimization methods of great site surrounding areas based on space syntax and GIS, Proceeding of 2010 International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010(EI index)

14. Yan Yuan, Li Li, Li Yankui. An Analysis of Environment and Resources Carrying Capacity for Guiding Urban Planning. 2010 2nd Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology Proceedings, 2010 P235-238(EI index)

15. Yan Yuan, Li Yankui. Space Intergrowth:A Practice Exploration on the Sustainable design of Urban Waterfront, Proceedings of the first international conference on sustainable urbanization, http://www.polyu.edu.hk/fclu/ICSU2010/iframe_paper.html ,2010. P196

16. 袁雁,李阎魁. 地域文化导向的遗址周边地区规划与建筑设计研究,华中建筑,VOL.28-1, 2010. P138-141

Academic Report 学术报告

1. Yan Yuan. Space Intergrowth:A Practice Exploration on the Sustainable design of Urban Waterfront,Proceedings of the first international conference on sustainable urbanization, 15-17 December 2010. Hong Kong.


2. Yan Yuan. The architecture education in Digital Age, The national teaching seminar of architecture Department on building digital technology , 28-31August, 2010Tongji, Shanghai, China

袁雁.数字时代的建筑教育,“2010年全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学研讨会” 2010年8月28日-31日,同济,上海,

3. Yan Yuan. Pareto ant colony Algorithm for building life cycle energy consumption optimization. 2010 International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation & 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment,September 17-20, 2010. Wuxi,China


4. Yan Yuan. The study on characteristics of suburban industrial space development and land use in Shanghai ,2009 Shanghai Urban Management and Innovation Forum,14 November 2009,Shanghai

袁雁.上海郊区产业空间发展与土地利用特征研究,2009上海城市管理与创新论坛 ,2009年11月14日,上海

5. Yan Yuan. Globalization and the construction of the local urban landscape. The second International Conference of 21st Century Urban Development,16-18 November 2007.Wuhan



1、 国家自然科学基金项目:面向生命周期能耗评估的建筑信息模型研究,编号:51208388(主持)The building information model for life cycle building energy assessment, Funded by The National Natural Science foundation of China , 2013-2015 (p.l.)

2、 基于“设计思维”的企业增长策略 Business Growth Strategies Based on Design Thinking 2022-2025 (p.l.)

3、 互联网时代的产业地产设计创新研究 Research on Industrial Real Estate Design Innovation in the Internet Era 2015-2020 (p.l.)

4、 湖北省建设厅科技项目:湖北新农村建设中的产业选择与区域空间发展研究,编号:2008233, 2009.6-2012.6,(主持)The industry selection and regional development of The new rural in Hubei, Funded by Construction department of Hubei province , 2009-2012(p.l.)

5、 武汉市建设委员会科技项目:武汉市个人建设住宅设计技术导则,编号:200902,2009.2-2009.12,(建筑分项负责人)

The technical guidance of Personal construction housing design in wuhan, Funded by construction committee of Wuhan,2009 (Co-p.l.)

6、 上海市决策咨询研究项目:上海郊区“三个集中”深化研究,2003.9-2004.9(参加)

The research of "Three concentration" in Shanghai suburbs, The research projects of Shanghai decision-making consultation ,2003, (participation)

7、 上海市科委发展基金项目:上海郊区规划布局与发展战略,2003.3-2003.12(参加)

The planning layout and development strategy of Shanghai suburb, Funded by Shanghai science and technology committee,2003, (participation)

8、 上海多伦社区保护与更新城市设计,2003年(参加)

The urban design for protection and renovation of Duolun community in Shanghai, 2003, (participation)

9、 北京市中轴线城市设计, 2002年(参加)

The urban design of Beijing central axis, 2002, (participation)


1、 襄阳唐城产业园区规划设计 Xiangyang Tangcheng Industrial Park Planning and Design 2009

2、 萍乡行政中心建筑设计 Pingxiang Administrative Center Architectural Design 2012



1. 基于设计思维的后疫情时代新式高端茶饮体验空间设计策略研究,省级项目,(郭雨森、周雨欣、邱淑冰)(2022-2023)

- Research on Design Strategies for New High-end Tea Drinking Experience Spaces in the Post-Pandemic Era Based on Design Thinking

2. 基于设计心理学的校园公共空间设计研究——以武汉大学工学部操场和桂园操场为例,省级项目,(卓兰、陈雨婷、廖文玲)(2022-2023)

- Research on Campus Public Space Design Based on Design Psychology: A Case Study of the Sports Grounds in the Engineering Department and Guiyuan of Wuhan University,

3. 基于设计心理学的城市公共空间设计方法研究——以武汉市口袋公园为例,省级项目,(艾立川、喻天冉、张晨曦)(2023-2024)

- Research on Urban Public Space Design Methods Based on Design Psychology: A Case Study of Pocket Parks in Wuhan City,


1. 设计的人文维度- Humanistic Dimensions of Design

2. 设计心理学- Design Psychology

3. 居住区规划原理- Principles of Residential Area Planning

4. 人居环境概论- Introduction to Human Settlements Environment

5. 毕业设计- Graduation Project


1. 文献阅读与论文写作- Literature Reading and Thesis Writing

2. 经典建筑评析- Analysis of Classical Architecture

3. 历史街区保护- Preservation of Historical Districts

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