







部门: 建筑学系

职称: 特聘副研究员



PhD in Architectural History, Tsinghua University, CHINA, 2016-2021


Master of Architecture, Tsinghua University, CHINA, 2013-2016


Bachelor of Architecture, Chongqing University, CHINA, 2006-2011



Architectural History and Theory


Criticism of Popular Culture


Architectural Design and Disseminate








Xu Teng, A Restoration method for Architecture Depicted on Boundary Painting – Looking at the Summer Palace of Emperor Ming Huang 界画复原研究方法初探——以明皇避暑宫图为例. Journal of Architectral History建筑史学刊. no.2, 2022, pp132-143.

Xu Teng, The Formal Design and Daily Use of the Forbidden City in Ming Dynasty – Take Wanli Period as An Example 明代紫禁城的形式设计与日常使用——以万历朝为例. ArchiCreation建筑创作. no.2, 2021, pp178-185.

Xu Teng. Miyisuo 122: White Toad Festival in Nanchong, China 弥异所122:南充蛴蟆节. Urban Design城市设计. no.6, 2020, pp88-89.

Zhu Qipeng, Wang Fei, Xu Teng. Emulation and Transcendence – Guangming Temple in Liujiang Sichuan Province, Pseudo – Classic Architecture and Beyond 模仿与超越——从四川柳江光明寺与仿古建筑谈起. Architecture Journal建筑学报, no.10, 2020, pp1-7.

Xu Teng. Inspiration from Grandma Temple Yixian County, China 易县奶奶庙的启示. Urban Design城市设计, no.2, 2020, pp78-85.

Xu Teng. MiYiSuo 052: The God of Chariot in Grandma Temple, Baoding, China 弥异所052:保定易县奶奶庙车神. Urban Design城市设计, no.2, 2020, pp54-55.

Yue yang, Xu Teng, Zeng Yi. Lowline is not “lou”: Investigation on the activity space on the municipal sewage pipe of Jialing River in Chongqing 重庆嘉陵江边市政排污管上的活动空间考察. Urban Design城市设计, no.2, 2019, pp 64-75.

Wang Yun, Xu Teng, Song Tianyi. Wang Yun: TALK王昀·说. Urban Design城市设计,no.3, 2017, pp68-79.

Xu Teng, Yue Yang. Urban deep whisper – the private space phenomena observation of "unexpected Chongqing"城市深处的呢喃:重庆民间空间现象观察. 12th International Symposium on Environment-Behavior Research (EBRA). Chongqing, 2016.



Old Wine in New Bottles: the Logic and Expression of Contemporary Chinese Traditional Beliefs, 2022-12-15, IASTE 2022, Singapore.


Fire Eyes Blingbling: Taking Notes as a Method of Observation Training, 2022-10-19, Taikang Space, Beijing.


Wandering and Surprise: Urban Observation as a Method of Creative Practice, 2022-09-23, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou.


Unexpected Chongqing (on line), 2021-12-17, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan.


Deep Feeling Hidden in the Earth: Spatial Imagination and Cultural Production under the Interaction with the Afterworld, 2022-06-18, 2022 Media Anthropology Research Conference, dali.


Story: As Another Urban Life, Wuhan University, Wuhan.


Unexpected Chongqing (on line), 2021-12-17, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing.


Buildings on the central axis, 2021-05-05,Beijing Science Center, Beijing.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-29, O!U!Talk, Shanghai.


The 970 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-28, Next Mixing, Shanghai.


The 996 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-23, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-23, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou.


The 963 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-21, Fangsuo Commune, Guangzhou.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-20, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou.


Ten-year review of my observation notes, 2020-11-20, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou.

《我所亲历的城市人文类爆款视频——徐腾、何志森、李迪华一席演讲复盘》,2020 年11月19日,暨南大学,广州

The popular videos of urban humanities I experienced -- the resumption of speeches by Xu Teng, Jason Ho and Li Dihua, 2020-11-19, Jinan University, Guangzhou.


Observation notes: if you want to have a pair of piercing eyes, 2020-11-18, South China University of technology, Guangzhou.


Ashes to heaven: Criticism and escape of cemetery economy, 2020-11-16, Boao International Cultural and Creative Forum, Boao.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-14, Yunnan Arts University, Kunming.


The 955 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-13, Wheatfield Bookstore, Kunming.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-12, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming.


Unexpected Chongqing, 2020-11-11, Yunnan Arts University, Kunming.


Popular architecture: as a design method, 2020-11-09, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing.


The 950 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-08, Clessence Bookstore, Chongqing.


The 943 days wirh Emperor Wanli, 2020-11-01, Desheng City Exploration Center, Beijing.


Five-year review of Unexpected Chongqing, 2019-08-03, QYER, Beijing.


Piercing eyes: note taking as a method of observation training, 2019-07-27, Peking University, Beijing.


A brief history of the Creative demise, 2019-07-21, Tsinghua University, Beijing.


Tradition with new style, 2019-05-23, The 4th China National Conference on Historic Villages, Lvliang.


Five-year review of Unexpected Chongqing, 2019-04-17, Huazhong Unversity of Science and Technology, Wuhan.


Exaggeration and fabrication in historical dissemination: 2019-04-03, OLCM, Hangzhou.


Room: delusion of living, 2018-12-18, The 2nd Delusional Congress, Beijing.


Jesus in kindergarten: an interesting landscape of cultural misreading, 2018-11-29, Tsinghua University, Beijing


Administrative decision-making and creative thinking, 2018-09-11, Peking University, Beijing.


Logic of Jiehua from the perspectives of architecture and art history: with Summer Palace of Emperor Ming of Tang and Yueyang Tower as examples. 2018-07-28, Taikang Space, Beijing.


Young state of cultural production, 2018-07-06, The Conference for the Revival Villages - Liuba Summit, Hanzhong.


Unexpected Chongqing, 2018-06-01, BOA, Chongqing.


Unexpected Chongqing, 2018-05-09, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing.


We are different: History of Chinese folk houses showing off their wealth, 2018-04-14, Woodstock of eating, Beijing.


Low is more and low tech: Spontaneous development of informal space, 2017-12-24, UABB, Shenzhen.


The walls and gates of Beijing, 2017-09-16, Historian Hutong Museum, Beijing




Academic research projects


In 2015, he participated in the National Natural Science Foundation Project "Research on the space, structure, modeling and decoration of wooden buildings in Tang, Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan and Ming Dynasties" (project approval number: 51378276) and undertook the research on boundary painting.


In 2017, he participated in the project of Chinese Society of the Forbidden City (CSFC) named "Compilation of historical materials on palace buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties", and undertook the collation and research of historical documents of Wanli Dynasty in Ming Dynasty.


In 2018, he participated in the project of Ministry of culture & PBC School of finance (PBCSF) of Tsinghua University named "Research on Applied protection and financing mode of Chinese ancient villages and their intangible cultural heritage", and undertook the research on the development and dissemination of cultural creativity.


In 2019, he participated in the major project of National Social Science Foundation of China named "Research and annotation on construction method" (project approval number: 17zda185) and the independent project of Tsinghua University named "Construction method and case study of Liao Jin architecture" (project approval number: 2017thzwyx05), and undertook the research on calculation example.


Independent research projects

不正经历史研究所 (2016-)

the Institute of irregular history (Since 2016)

不正经历史研究所 2016 年成立于北京,是关注创造力和微观历史的独立研究、创作与传播机构,擅长从不起眼的现象中吸取价值,并结合传统的逻辑创造新的文化景观,研究与创作 兼具专业深度和大众趣味,代表作品有《他奶奶的庙》、《犟人精神》、《潍坊宫崎骏》、《监狱养老》、《骨灰上天》、《有事烧纸》 等。

Founded in 2016 in Beijing, the Institute of irregular history is an independent research, creation and communication institution focusing on creativity and micro history. It is good at absorbing value from obscure phenomena and creating new cultural landscapes in combination with traditional logic. Its research and creation have both professional depth and public interest. Representative works include His Grandmother's Temple, Stubborn Spirit, Weifang's Hayao Miyazaki, Prison Pension, Ashes to Heaven, Burning paper on business, etc.

意外重庆 (2014-)

Unexpected Chongqing (Since 2014)


Unexpected Chongqing is a city visit plan launched by Xu Teng, Zeng Yi and Yue Yang in 2014, which attempts to observe, record and study the local spatial logic and lifestyle of Chongqing through large-scale field investigation. We are very lucky to meet many unexpected people in the corner space of the city. They jointly express a different life interest from the contemporary metropolis, and construct a kind of flexible space wisdom. Unfortunately, in recent years, these scenes have disappeared one by one.





Low is more (Comprehensive), Bulding Issues, Taikang Space, Beijing, 2017-10.



Unexpected Chongqing (Documents), Down to Earth: X Ways of Spatial Planning, YUELAI Art Museum, Chongqing, 2021-07.


Sports Meet (Comprehensive material),“Boomerang” OCAT Biennale, OCT Ecological Square, Shenzhen, 2021-12.



Speaker of YIXI


Guest commentator on current affairs of program "News with Views" by China Media Group.


Guest speaker of undergraduate general education course "writing and communication" of Tsinghua University.


Training tutor of young civil servants' young talent program of Chengdu Chenghua District Party School.


Guest of TV program“Behind the Headlines with Wen Tao” by Phoenix Satellite,network programs such as“@Everyone”,“Gifts to Go Home”,“Think aloud” by Tencent News, official promotion documentary "tiktok Xi'an" by ByteDance.


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中英班大三 博物馆设计


研究生 建筑评论

职称 特聘副研究员 邮箱 xuteng21@whu.edu.cn
部门 建筑系