桂雪晨,副研究员,武汉大学博士后,澳大利亚格里菲斯大学博士,在校期间荣获格里菲斯大学研究生奖学金和格里菲斯大学海外研究生奖学金。长期从事绿色建筑,建筑节能,建筑性能大数据分析方向的研究工作。已发表学术论文近20余篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文12篇,其中中科院top期刊8篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,博士后基金面上项目一项,参与国家级项目3项。担任SCI和SSCI期刊Frontiers in Public Health, section Environmental Health,Urban Forest & Urban Greening,Land和International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education等的审稿人。
2011.9 - 2016.6, 长沙理工大学建筑学院,建筑学学士
2016.9 - 2019.6,浙江大学建筑工程学院,建筑学硕士
2019.9 - 2022.2,格里菲斯大学工程与建成环境学院(澳大利亚),建筑学专业哲学博士
2017.4 - 2017.6 ,浙江大学建筑设计研究院,实习生
2017.7 - 2017.8 ,华中师范大学“阳光教育”暨“孔子行脚”大学生支教活动,支教教师
2019.12 - 2020.6,格里菲斯大学,科研助理
2022.1 - 2024.6,武汉大学,博士后/助理研究员
2024.6 - 至今,武汉大学 ,副研究员
Gui, X., & Gou, Z. (2024) The adoption of ceiling fans as an alternative cooling strategy to air-conditioning: what can we learn from building sustainability index certified homes? Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. Accepted 28 Mar 2024. (SCI检索; IF: 1.3; JCR一区)
Song, J., Ding, J. Gui, X.* & Zhu, Y. (2024) Assessment and solutions for vulnerability of urban rail transit network based on complex network theory: A case study of Chongqing. Heliyon 10(5), e27237. (SCI检索; IF:4; JCR二区)
Xie D., Cai, S., & Gui, X.* (2024) Reclaiming justice for energy-vulnerable populations: Evidence from the city of los angeles. Energy Strategy Reviews 51, 101317. (SCI检索; IF: 8.2; JCR一区)
Xie D., Gou, Z., & Gui, X. (2024) How electric vehicles benefit urban air quality improvement: A study in Wuhan. Science of The Total Environment 906, 167584. (SCI检索; IF: 9.8; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Chen, X., Gou, Z., & Gui, X. (2023) A holistic assessment of the photovoltaic-energy storage-integrated charging station in residential areas: A case study in Wuhan. Journal of Building Engineering 79, 107947. (SCI检索; IF: 6.4; JCR一区; 中科院top期刊)
周雨欣,桂雪晨*,苟中华. (2023) 如何在中国城市地区更有效地推广太阳能光伏板?——基于结构方程模型的武汉市太阳能光伏板采用意愿研究. 暖通空调,53(s1), 433-439
Gui, X., Xiong, Y, & Gou, Z. (2023) A study of rainwater tank adoption in Australian households: selecting the right size for better water-saving performance. Architectural Engineering and Design Management Accepted 15 Feb 2023. (SCI检索; IF: 2.9; JCR二区;建筑领域高水平期刊)
Gui, X., & Gou, Z. (2022) Household energy technologies in New South Wales, Australia: Regional differences and renewables adoption rates. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 160, 112290. (SCI检索; IF: 15.9; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Gui, X., Gou, Z., Zhang, F., & Yu, R, (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on higher education building energy use and implication for future education building energy studies. Energy & Buildings 251(15), 111346. (SCI检索; IF: 6.7; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Gui, X., & Gou, Z. (2021) Regional differences in household water technology adoption: A longitudinal study of Building Sustainability Index-certified dwelling units in New South Wales, Australia. Journal of Cleaner Production 307(20), 127338. (SCI检索; IF: 11.1; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Gui, X., & Gou, Z. (2021) Understanding green building energy performance in the context of commercial estates: A multi-year and cross-region analysis using the Australian commercial building disclosure database. Energy 222(1), 119988. (SCI检索; IF: 9; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Deng, Y., Gou, Z., Gui, X., & Cheng, B. (2021) Energy consumption characteristics and influential use behaviors in university dormitory buildings in China's hot summer-cold winter climate region. Journal of Building Engineering 33, 101870. (SCI检索; IF: 6.4; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Gui, X., & Gou, Z. (2020) Association between green building certification level and post-occupancy performance: Database analysis of the National Australian Built Environment Rating System. Building and Environment 175(15), 106971. (SCI检索; IF: 7.4; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
赵康, 桂雪晨, 葛坚. (2019) 高大空间中太阳辐射对热舒适的影响及室内参数设计. 太阳能学报, 40(9), 2655-2662.(导师一作) (EI检索)
Gui, X., Ma, Y., Chen, S., & Ge., J. (2018) The methodology of standard building selection for residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone of China based on architectural typology. Journal of Building Engineering 18, 352-359. (SCI检索; IF: 6.4; JCR一区;中科院top期刊)
Ge, J., Weng, J., Zhao, K., Gui, X., Li, P., & Lin, M. (2018) The development of green building in China and an analysis of the corresponding incremental cost: A case study of Zhejiang province. Lowland Technology International 20(3), 1-6. (EI检索)
武汉大学建筑学本科课程 城市设计
武汉大学建筑学本科课程 建筑综合设计
武汉大学建筑学本科课程 建筑专题设计(住宅)
武汉大学建筑学本科课程 毕业设计
武汉大学建筑学本科课程 健康人居环境
2023 价值引领、创新驱动、实践导向、协同育人——面向高质量发展的建筑学专业人才培养模式改革与实践 武汉大学校级教学成果二等奖
2022《中国建筑教育》“清润奖”大学生论文竞赛 优秀奖 指导老师
2023 武汉市微型公共空间(中心城区)高校工作坊设计竞赛 佳作奖 指导老师
2023 Office Design Challenge#2 Honorable Mention(全球仅6人) 指导老师
2024 第八届“米兰设计周—中国高校设计学科师生优秀作品展 全国一等奖 指导老师