2.Registration of Spatial data Based on PCA International society for photogrammetry and remote sensing ;国际会议;2008.7(第2作者)
3.“谈建筑与音乐”《中华建设》2008.10(第1作者);Wang Lili,2008;The architecture and Music Zhonghua construction
4.“箐口村传统民居聚落生态适应性探析”《沈阳建筑大学学报》2009.1(第1作者);Wang Lili 2009.
Analysis of ecological adaptability of Qingkou traditional residence; Shenyang architecture Univeristy
5.“浅析元阳县箐口村寨乡村景观”《山西建筑》专家专稿栏;2009.4(第1作者);Wang Lili,2009
The research on landscaping of Qingkou settlement of Yuanyang County ;ShanXi;Architecture
6.“云南山地白族民居建筑单元解析”《建设者》;2009.4(第1作者)Wang Lili,2009.
The analysis on Units of The Bai Mountainous Residence in Yunnan Constructor
7.“云南罗平布依族民居建筑空间探究”;《山东建筑大学学报》2009.5(第1作者)Wang Lili, ;2009
The research on the architectural space of the Buyi Residence in Luoping, Yunnan. Shandong architecture University.
8.“云龙县诺邓白族村寨聚落形态研究”《福建建筑》 2009.1 ( 第 1 作者);Wang Lili,2009.
The research on settlement pattern of the Bai nationality in Nuodeng village, Yunlong County.
9.The Parametric Design of Office Chairs Based on Ergonomics,2010.International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering 会议收录, (EI ;index)
10.The research on environmental facility of traditional residence based on modern residence pattern 被 nternational workshop on Architecture Civil and& Environmental Engineering (ACEE2011) ( EI ndex)
11. Analysis of ecological adaptability of traditional residential settlement of Hani nationality ( CEABM2011 )( EI,ISTP Index)
12. the research on Qingkou Hani 'village from perspective of ecology ( RSETE2011) (EI Index )
13. the feasibility study on structural insulated panels in Rural settlements of LuGu Lake ( ACAM2011 ) ( EI index) Other Publications and Technical Reports
14.《设计艺术专业英语》(教材) 2008.9 (第一版 ) 《 Design Arts specialized English 》 2008.09
15.《一种智能型书架》( Zl200620098976.8 ) 专利授权时间 2007.10
16.《碟片架》(Zl200820065711.7)专利授权时间2009.02 第1发明人