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发布人:党政办公室    日期: 2023-10-08 11:05    阅读



主讲人:崔愷 中国工程院院士




崔愷院士长期致力于建筑创作以及建筑学术研究工作,先后主持设计大量国家级和地方重要建筑达200余项。所主持的工程获得国际国内等专业设计奖项200余项。曾获 “全国优秀科技工作者”、“国务院特殊津贴专家”、 “法国文学与艺术骑士勋章”、“梁思成建筑奖”等荣誉。积极倡导推动中国建筑本土创作的发展与研究,出版了《工程报告》、《本土设计》、《绿色建筑设计导则》、《地域气候适应型绿色公共建筑设计研究丛书》等多本著作。在汲取中华传统建筑文化和生活智慧营养的基础上,努力探索中国本土建筑的创新之路,提出了“本土设计”的创作理论思路,让建筑设计以所处的文化、自然资源土壤为本,从而寻求建筑的地域特色。

Brief Introduction of Professor Cui Kai

Cui Kai is a scholar of architecture. In 2000, Cui Kai was honored National Engineering & Design Master. In 2011, he was elected as an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Cui Kai is currently the Honorary President & Chief Architect of China Architecture Design & Research Group (CADG), as well as the founder and chief architect of Land-Based Rationalism Design & Research Center of CADG. He is also Vice President of Architecture Society of China.

Cui Kai has been committed to academic researches and practices in architecture. He has been the principal architect of over 200 projects with national or local significance, winning over 200 design awards at home and abroad. He has been honored with the titles of “National Excellent Science & Technology Worker”, “Expert Enjoying Special Allowance from the State Council”, as well as the “The Medal of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters” of France and “Liang Sicheng Architecture Award”, etc. He has been promoting development and research of architectural practice of land-based rationalism in China, and has published a series of books including Project Report, Land-based Rationalism,Green Architecture Design Guidelines and Design Research Series for Regional Climate-adaptive Green Public Buildings. Through long-term study of Chinese traditional architectural culture and wisdom of life, he has been exploring the path of innovation for land-based rationalism in China, and has put forward the theory of “land-based rationalism”, which pursues local characteristics of buildings on the basis of cultural and natural resources of the land.

主讲人 崔愷 时间 2023年10月11日(周三)上午10:00
地点 武汉大学城市设计学院报告厅